Alicia Penalba | Le langage des formes
September 15th - October 30th 2021Alexandre and Richard Fleury are pleased to devote a monographic exhibition to Alicia Penalba (1913-1982), an Argentinian artist and a great figure of post-war abstract sculpture.
Le langage des formes is held jointly in the gallery space, Avenue Matignon, from September 15th to October 30th, 2021, and at the Maison de l’Amérique latine, boulevard Saint-Germain, from September 17th to December 15th, 2021.
Initiated by the A&R Fleury gallery, this two-site retrospective brings together forty-two significant and rare works on the market: bronze sculptures and collages have been chosen to offer an in-depth vision of Penalba’s work, simultaneously carried out towards the fragmentation of forms, the conquest of spaces and monumentality.
The exhibition is a unique opportunity to rediscover her sensitive and singular universe. Present in the collections of many institutions and foundations around the world, Alicia Penalba has nevertheless remained relatively forgotten and is only too rarely exhibited; this exhibition is an important step in the rediscovery of this essential sculptor, after that of the MALBA in Buenos Aires in 2016-2017.

Alicia Penalba in her studio. Photo by Jean Michalon. ©AAP, Buenos Aires

Petite ailée n°3, bronze, 1973, detail.
“Intelligent and passionate, Penalba is without a doubt one of the most brilliant figures of current sculpture in Paris.”
Michel Seuphor, La sculpture de ce siècle, 1959

Alicia Penalba in her studio in Montrouge, 1956, ©AAP, Buenos Aires

Ancêtre papillon, 1955, bronze, E.A.

Passion de la jungle, 1954, bronze, 4/6
“There is something profoundly natural in the art of Penalba. So many works require, long aesthetic, metaphysical or sociological explanations in order to be appreciated; so many works exist only thanks to the literature they evoke. Penalba's work stands out because it requires no comment. Mute rocks, caves, forests... it is enough to be sensitive to the enchantment of certain landscapes to be affected by Penalba's sculptures, and also spontaneously, without the slightest inner discourse, without the slightest scholarly or naive reflection, by an imposing and secret world.”
André Berne-Joffroy
Alicia Penalba
Trois totems d'amour, 1954
Big: 136 x 26 x 20 cm | 53 1/2 x 10 1/4 x 7 7/8 in.
Medium: 97 x 21 x 15 | 38 1/4 x 8 1/4 x 5 7/8 in.
Small: 84 x 22 x 13 cm | 33 1/8 x 8 5/8 x 5 1/8 in.

Alicia Penalba, Ombre habitée

Alicia Penalba, Grande Imanta
- Karel Appel
- Victor Brauner
- Alberto Burri
- Alexander Calder
- Lynn Chadwick
- Geneviève Claisse
- Claudine Drai
- Jean Dubuffet
- Jorge Eduardo Eielson
- Sam Francis
- Simon Hantaï
- Hans Hartung
- Le Corbusier
- Fernand Léger
- Mao Lizi
- Georges Mathieu
- Alicia Penalba
- Serge Poliakoff
- Judit Reigl
- Jean-Paul Riopelle
- Gérard Schneider
- Pierre Soulages
- Geer van Velde
- Victor Vasarely
- Bernar Venet
- Claude Viallat
- Maria Helena Vieira da Silva
- Ossip Zadkine